1. Additional Terms; Definitions. Except as specifically noted otherwise herein, the following additional
terms and conditions apply to you if you use the Certified Offer Service® or Certified Offer Service®
PLUS (together referred to as "COS") in any way. As used in this Section, the term "Buyer" means any
person or entity that uses the COS to make an offer to a domain name registrant (the “Offer”) to transfer
to such person a domain name registration through the COS. As used in this Schedule, the term "Seller"
means the registrant of the domain name and its agents (including the registrant's administrative contact)
that is the subject of an Offer from a Buyer. The domain name that is the subject of the COS is referred to
in this Schedule as the "Domain Name." You agree that any Offer, counter-offer, and/or acceptance of
either of them by a Buyer or Seller, shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (which
includes the terms and conditions of this Section).
2. Purpose of Certified Offer Service; Web.com’s Participation. You acknowledge and agree that the COS
is intended to provide the Buyer and Seller with a means through which the Buyer and Seller may be able
to come to an agreement regarding the transfer of the Domain Name for the payment of a fee from the
Buyer to the Seller, and to facilitate any such transfer and the associated payment from the Buyer to the
Seller, all in accordance with the terms of this Section. You acknowledge and agree that the terms herein
set forth the legal agreement between the Buyer and the Seller and that you have reviewed those
provisions and find them to be acceptable to you. You acknowledge and agree that Web.com is not the
agent of and is not acting as an agent for either the Seller or the Buyer, and that the Seller will look solely
to the Buyer for fulfillment of the Buyer's obligations hereunder, and the Buyer will look solely to the Seller
for fulfillment of the Seller's obligations hereunder. Neither the Buyer nor the Seller will look to Web.com
for the fulfillment of the Buyer's or the Seller's obligations hereunder. Web.com’s role in the COS is that of
sending communications from the Buyer to the Seller and the Seller to the Buyer, providing the terms of
the agreement between the Buyer and Seller, receiving funds from the Buyer, processing any necessary
registrar transfer, processing the registrant name change, and sending payment to the Seller, all as set
forth in this Schedule. You acknowledge and agree that Web.com is not a broker and will not negotiate on
behalf of either party. You further acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Agreement or on our
website shall be construed to mean that the Domain Name can be or is being assigned from one
registrant to another - all Domain Name transfers are completed pursuant to the terms of the Registrant
Name Change Agreement that forms a part of this Agreement.
3. Third Party and Other Factors; No Liability for Failed Transactions. You acknowledge and agree that
the successful transfer of the Domain Name and the associated payment of the selling price to the Seller
through the COS are dependent upon many factors that are not within the control of Web.com, and that
Web.com shall not be liable for the failure of any transaction, in whole or in part (including but not limited
to failure of the Domain Name to be transferred or failure of a payment to be made), where such failure is
caused by the actions or inactions of the Seller (including but not limited to breach by the Seller of its
obligations to you or us under the COS), Buyer (including but not limited to breach by the Buyer of its
obligations to you or us under the COS) or other third party. For example, a Seller whose domain name
registration is sponsored by a registrar other than Web.com must approve a transfer of the domain name
sponsorship to Web.com before a transaction between the Seller and Buyer can be completed. If the
Seller in that situation does not approve the transfer after agreeing to sell the domain name registration,
or the Domain Name cannot be transferred because it is in a lock status or has not been registered at the
current registrar for more than sixty (60) days, then the transaction cannot be completed (and no money
is to be paid to the Seller).
4. Indemnification by You. In addition to your other obligations of indemnification under this Agreement,
you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Web.com, its parent and subsidiary companies, and
their respective officers, directors, members, shareholders, affiliates, agents, employees and assigns from
and against any and all liabilities, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys'
fees and expenses, relating to or arising out of the termination of the COS by the Seller, the Buyer or
Web.com (where Web.com is permitted to so terminate under the terms of this Agreement), or the failure
of any transaction whether caused by the Seller, Buyer, or Web.com (except where such failure is the
result of Web.com’s material breach of this Agreement).
5. Third Party Disputes Concerning Process or Actions. In the event the COS is terminated by Web.com
as a result of a claim by a third party that the COS process or the actions of the Seller or Buyer violates
that third party's rights, Web.com is authorized, but not obligated, to refund to the Buyer all funds paid by
the Buyer to Web.com in connection with the COS and to transfer the registration of the Domain Name to
the Seller, and/or "lock" the Domain Name until such time as any pending dispute concerning the Domain
Name is resolved (as evidenced by an agreement between the applicable parties or an order of a court).
6. Your Additional Representations and Warranties; Intellectual Property Rights; Our Disclaimer. You
represent and warrant that your use of the COS, including but not limited to your purchase or attempt to
purchase, your sale or attempt to sell, your transfer or attempt to transfer, and your registration or attempt
to register the Domain Name will not and does not infringe the rights of any third party (including but not
limited to the intellectual property rights of any third party). You represent and warrant that you will take all
steps necessary to fulfill your obligations under this Agreement and to complete the transaction
contemplated by this Schedule. We make no representation or warranty as to the status of the Domain
Name, including whether or not the Domain Name or your actions in purchasing, selling, transferring or
registering the Domain Name infringes or will infringe on any other party's rights. It is your responsibility to
ensure that the Domain Name and your actions do not and will not infringe on any other party's rights.
Further, in addition to its other disclaimers in the Agreement, Web.com disclaims any liability with respect
to the terms of the agreement between the Seller and the Buyer set out herein, and Web.com makes no
representation or warranty that the terms of that agreement are adequate to meet your needs or to
provide you with the legal rights, protections and obligations that are best for you. If you do not wish to
use the terms of this Section for your agreement with the Seller or the Buyer, you should not use this
7. Termination by Web.com; No Liability. You agree that Web.com may terminate the COS at any time
(and at any stage in the process), without liability to either Seller or Buyer, if, at any time,: (i) the Buyer or
Seller fails to fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement; (ii) Web.com believes the Buyer is or may
be using a stolen or unauthorized credit card (or is utilizing any other fraudulent payment method); (iii)
Web.com believes the Buyer or Seller may be acting in fraudulent or unauthorized manner, a manner that
may subject Web.com to a claim by a third party, or otherwise in a manner that violates any law,
Web.com policy, this Agreement, or any right of a third party; or (iv) Web.com receives a complaint from a
third party that the Seller or the Buyer is violating any law, Web.com policy, this Agreement, or any right of
a third party. In the event Web.com terminates the COS as provided herein, Web.com shall have no
liability to the Buyer or the Seller for such termination, and Web.com shall be permitted, but not obligated,
to transfer the Domain Name back to the Seller as registrant and to return to the Buyer any of the Buyer's
funds still in Web.com’s possession.
8. Terms for the Buyer. The following additional terms apply to the Buyer. The Buyer agrees to the
following additional terms in this Section:
A. COS Offer Fee; Non-Refundable; Exceptions. You will use the COS to make an offer via email to
a Seller to pay to the Seller the offer price selected by you (the "Offer Price") in exchange for the
Seller's agreement to transfer the Domain Name to you through the COS. If your offer exceeds
$25,000, you are required to use our Certified Offer Service PLUS and we will contact you by
phone to confirm your offer amount. You will pay the non-refundable COS offer fee (the "Offer
Fee") set forth on our website at the time you make your offer. This Offer Fee will be paid by you
via your credit card and is non-refundable regardless of whether or not your offer is accepted by
the Seller or the Domain Name is transferred to you (but we will not charge you the fee if it is not
possible to send your offer because, for example, there is no email listed for the Seller in the
WHOIS database).
B. Nature of Your Offer and Any Counter-Offers. We will send your offer via email to the email
address of the administrative contact of the registrant as reflected in the WHOIS database of the
registrar currently sponsoring the Domain Name. If you are using Certified Offer Service PLUS,
we will contact the administrative contact initially by telephone to convey your offer. You
acknowledge that the information in the WHOIS database might not be accurate and that we
have no obligation to and will not confirm the accuracy of any WHOIS information. Your offer will
remain valid and binding on you for a period of ten (10) calendar days (fourteen (14) calendar
days if you are using Certified Offer Service PLUS) from the date of your offer, unless before then
the transaction is terminated by Web.com, or the Seller accepts or rejects your offer (the "Offer
Period"). You may not and will not attempt to revoke your offer during the Offer Period. Your offer
will automatically terminate upon expiration of the Offer Period. If the Seller makes a counter-
offer, we will send you an email, or contact you by telephone if you are using Certified Offer
Service PLUS, containing the Seller's counter-offer price (or minimal acceptable price) (the
"Seller Counter Price"), which you may accept, reject or to which you may make a counter-offer
within ten (10) calendar days (fourteen (14) calendar days if you are using our Certified Offer
Service PLUS) from the date of the Seller's counter-offer, unless the Seller's counter-offer has
been terminated (the "Seller Counter Period"). If you make a counter-offer to the Seller during the
Seller Counter Period, we will convey your counter-offer price (the "Buyer Counter Price") to the
administrative contact of record as described above. Your counter-offer serves as a rejection of
the Seller's counter-offer. Additionally, your counter-offer will remain valid and binding on you for
a period of ten (10) calendar days (fourteen (14) calendar days if you are using Certified Offer
Service PLUS) from the date of your counter-offer, unless the transaction is terminated by
Web.com, or the Seller accepts or rejects your counter-offer (the "Buyer Counter Period"). You
may not and will not attempt to revoke your counter-offer during the Buyer Counter Period. Your
counter-offer will automatically terminate upon expiration of the Buyer Counter Period.
C. Acceptance of Offer or Counter-Offer; Process. For transactions up to and including $4,999.99, if
the Seller accepts either your Offer during the Offer Period or your counter-offer during the Buyer
Counter Period, or if you accept the Seller's counter-offer during the Seller Counter Period, we
will notify you via email, and: (1) You will immediately pay to Web.com, and Web.com is
authorized to charge your credit card in the amount of (i) the Offer Price, Seller Counter Price, or
Buyer Counter Price, as applicable, and (ii) the transaction fee (the "Transaction Fee") set forth
on our website at the time you make the offer (collectively, the "Total Price"); and (2) You will
complete, sign and return to Web.com, in the time-frame specified by Web.com, any and all
paperwork sent to you by us to complete the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. For
transactions totaling $5,000 or greater, if the Seller accepts either your Offer during the Offer
Period or your counter-offer during the Buyer Counter Period, or if you accept the Seller's
counter-offer during the Seller Counter Period, we will notify you via email, and your payment is
required in the form of a wire transfer, with the instructions for such payment contained in the e-
mail that we will send to you. If you are using Certified Offer Service PLUS, we will contact you by
telephone to provide you with the information that you will need to make payment of the Total
Price by wire transfer. Upon fulfillment of your obligations set forth above, Web.com will initiate a
transfer of the sponsorship of the Domain Name to Web.com as registrar (with the Seller as
registrant of the Domain Name), if the Domain Name is not then-currently sponsored by Web.com
as registrar, or will transfer the Domain Name into a new account for the Seller. Once the domain
name is sponsored by Web.com as registrar and in a new account for the Seller, the Domain
Name will be placed in a "lock" status. Web.com will then change the registrant of the Domain
Name to the Buyer (or to the person or entity directed by the Buyer). After any successful change
of registrant as contemplated herein, Web.com will pay to the Seller (as listed in the WHOIS
database for the Domain Name at issue), from the funds received by the Buyer, the Offer Price,
Seller Counter Price, or Buyer Counter Price, as applicable. In the case of an offer made using
Certified Offer Service PLUS, Web.com shall charge the Seller a Seller's Transaction Fee and
deduct the Seller's Transaction Fee from the Buyer's payment before sending the funds to the
D. Rejection or Termination of Offer or Counter-Offer. If the Seller (i) rejects your Offer without
making a counter-offer, (ii) fails to respond to your offer during the Offer Period, (iii) rejects your
counter-offer, or (iv) fails to respond to your counter-offer during the Buyer Counter Period, the
COS will immediately terminate. If you reject a counter-offer made by the Seller or fail to respond
to a counter-offer during the Seller Counter Period, the COS will immediately terminate.
E. 60-Day No Transfer Requirement. For a period of sixty (60) days following any successful
transfer of the Domain Name, you agree not transfer or attempt to transfer the Domain Name to
another person or to another registrar, and Web.com is authorized to deny any request for such a
A. Domain Name Transfer and Registration Subject to Service Agreement. Through the COS, you
are applying to transfer and register the Domain Name to the Buyer with Web.com as the
sponsoring registrar. Any successful transfer and subsequent registration of the Domain Name to
the Buyer is governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement (which includes the General
Terms and Conditions and the Schedules applicable to domain name registrations and registrant
name changes).
G. Disclosure of Buyer Information. During the transaction contemplated by the COS, we will not
disclose your identity to the Seller or any third party, unless the COS is terminated by Web.com
as a result of a third party claim concerning the COS, the Domain Name, or the Seller or Buyer,
or as a result of your failure to fulfill any of your obligations under this Agreement to us or to the
Seller, or as a result of a claim by the Seller that you have not fulfilled your obligations under this
Agreement. Additionally, after the completion of any Domain Name transfer hereunder, we are
permitted but not obligated to disclose your identity and contact information to the Seller or as
otherwise provided in this Agreement.
H. Value Assessment. You acknowledge and agree that the Value Assessment Tool that may be
available as part of the COS is designed to be a helpful tool only and that it is your responsibility
to determine the offer price (or counter-offer price) that is appropriate for you and the Domain
Name in question.
I. Tax Consequences. You agree that you are responsible for complying with all tax filings,
certifications, notices, rules and regulations, arising out of your actions as a Buyer through the
COS, including the payment of any sales, use, value-added or other taxes, assessed or due in
connection with your payment of the Offer Price, Seller Counter Price or Buyer Counter Price, as
applicable, to the Seller (through Web.com) and the filing of any required forms or returns with the
appropriate authorities in connection therewith.
J. Suspension of Your Account; Transfer of Domain Name to Web.com. In addition to all other
remedies available at law or in equity, Web.com shall have the right, but not the obligation, to (i)
suspend your account with Web.com indefinitely (which will suspend all other services you may
have with us in your account) until payment is received by you in accordance with your
obligations under this Schedule, and (ii) transfer the Domain Name to Web.com as registrant if
you do not make required payments under this Schedule within three (3) business days after
notice is sent via email to you from Web.com that such payment is owed.
K. Seller Request to Reopen Offer. If we receive a request from the Seller that you reopen an offer
under the COS (a "Reopen Request"), we may, but will not be obligated to, notify you of the
Reopen Request. If you receive such a request from us, and you wish to submit another offer to
the Seller through the COS, any such offer by you shall be treated as an initial offer through the
COS, starting anew the COS process, and that offer and all subsequent counter-offers, if any,
shall be governed accordingly by the terms and conditions of the Agreement (which includes but
is not limited to this Section).
9. Terms for the Seller. The following additional terms apply to the Seller. The Seller agrees to the
following additional terms in this Section:
A. Acceptance of Offer or Counter-Offer; Process. You may accept, reject or make a counter-offer
(as described below) to the Buyer's offer so long as the offer has not been terminated (the "Offer
Period"). If you accept the Buyer's Offer during the Offer Period, Web.com will inform the Buyer of
your acceptance via email (or if using Certified Offer Service PLUS, by telephone), and will
attempt to obtain funds from the Buyer via credit card or wire transfer (for transactions of $5,000
or more) to pay the offer price (the "Offer Price") and Web.com’s Transaction Fee. If you make a
counter-offer to the Buyer and the counter-offer is accepted by the Buyer, Web.com will inform
you via email or by telephone, of the Buyer's acceptance of the counter-offer, and Web.com will
attempt to obtain funds from the Buyer via credit card or wire transfer (for transactions of $5,000
or more) to pay the counter-offer price (sometimes referred to as the minimum acceptable price)
(the "Seller Counter Price") and Web.com’s Transaction Fee. The Buyer might not accept your
counter-offer, but might instead make a counter-offer to you. In that case, you may accept or
reject the Buyer's counter-offer so long as the Buyer's counter-offer has not been terminated (the
"Buyer Counter Period"). If you accept the Buyer's counter-offer, if any, within the Buyer Counter
Period, Web.com will inform the Buyer of your acceptance via email or by telephone, and will
attempt to obtain funds from the Buyer via credit card or wire transfer (for transactions of $5,000
or more) to pay the Buyer's counter-offer price (the "Buyer Counter Price") and Web.com’s
Transaction Fee. You acknowledge and agree that in any case Web.com must first obtain
sufficient funds from the Buyer before a transaction can be completed, and that failure of the
Buyer to deposit sufficient funds with Web.com shall be grounds for Web.com to terminate the
COS. After sufficient funds have been obtained from the Buyer, Web.com will attempt to transfer
the Domain Name to a new account with Web.com where you will still be the registrant. If the
Domain Name is being sponsored by another registrar, Web.com will first initiate a transfer of the
Domain Name to Web.com as registrar. Once the Domain Name is registered with Web.com as
registrar and in a new account with you as the registrant, Web.com will change the registrant of
the Domain Name to the Buyer (or as directed by the Buyer). After any successful change of
registrant as contemplated herein, Web.com will pay to the Seller (as listed in the WHOIS
database for the Domain Name at issue), from the funds received by the Buyer, the Offer Price,
Seller Counter Price, or Buyer Counter Price, as applicable. In the case of an offer made using
Certified Offer Service PLUS, Web.com shall also deduct a Seller's Transaction Fee before
sending the funds to the Seller. The amount of the Transaction Fee charged to the Seller is
published on our website. If an offer or counter-offer is accepted, you will properly respond to and
complete any and all emails and/or documentation sent to you from Web.com or your current
registrar concerning the transfer of your domain name, and otherwise take all steps necessary, to
effect the transfer of the Domain Name to Web.com as registrar (where the Domain Name is
sponsored by another registrar) and to the Buyer as registrant. Upon fulfillment of your obligations
set forth above, and the deposit of sufficient funds by the Buyer, Web.com will send you a check
for the Buyer's payment of the Offer Price, Seller Counter Price, or Buyer Counter Price, as
applicable less the Seller's Transaction Fee.
B. Nature of Your Counter-Offer. We will send your counter-offer, if any, via email, or via telephone,
to the Buyer at the email address or phone number provided by the Buyer. Your counter-offer
serves as a rejection of the Buyer's Offer. You acknowledge and agree that if the email address
provided by the Buyer is not accurate or valid, the counter-offer will not reach the Buyer. If you
are using Certified Offer Service PLUS we will make every attempt to reach the Buyer either by
email, phone or regular mail. Your counter-offer will remain valid and binding on you for a period
of ten (10) calendar days (fourteen (14) calendar days if you are using Certified Offer Service
PLUS) from the date of your counter-offer, unless before then the transaction is terminated by
Web.com, or the Buyer accepts, rejects or makes a counter-offer to your counter-offer (the "Seller
Counter Period"). You may not and will not attempt to revoke your counter-offer during the Seller
Counter Period. Your counter-offer will automatically terminate upon expiration of the Seller
Counter Period.
C. No Changes After Acceptance or Counter-Offer. You will not attempt to transfer or change the
registrant for the Domain Name after accepting an Offer or Buyer counter-offer, or after making a
counter-offer, except as instructed by Web.com or if notified by Web.com that the Seller Counter
Period has expired.
D. Rejection or Termination of Counter-Offer. If the Buyer rejects your counter-offer or fails to
respond to your counter-offer during the Seller Counter Period, the COS will immediately
E. Additional Seller Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that as of the time
you accept an Offer or a Buyer counter-offer, or make a counter-offer, you are the current
registrant of the Domain Name (or the current registrant's authorized agent) with full authority to
enter into this agreement and to sell and transfer the Domain Name to the Buyer as contemplated
herein, and that you have not and will not do anything to change the registrant or current registrar
of the Domain Name except as instructed by Web.com or if notified by Web.com that the Seller
Counter Period has expired.
F. Change of Registrar, Domain Name Registration, and Registrant Name Change Subject to
Service Agreement. Through the COS, you are applying to transfer, if applicable, and register the
Domain Name with Web.com as registrar, and to then transfer the Domain Name to the Buyer
with Web.com as the sponsoring registrar. Any successful change of registrar and registration of
the Domain Name with Web.com, and transfer and subsequent registration of the Domain Name
to the Buyer is governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement (which includes the
General Terms and Conditions and the Schedules applicable to domain name registrations,
change of registrar, and registrant name changes).
G. Disclosure of Buyer Information. During the transaction contemplated by the COS, we will not
disclose the identity of the Buyer except as otherwise permitted in this Agreement.
H. Tax Consequences. You agree that you are responsible for complying with all tax filings,
certifications, notices, rules and regulations, arising out of your actions as a Seller through the
COS, including the payment of any sales, use, value-added or other taxes, assessed or due in
connection with your receipt of payment of the Offer Price, Seller Counter Price, or Buyer Counter
Price, as applicable, from the Buyer (through Web.com) and the filing of any required forms or
returns with the appropriate authorities in connection therewith.
I. Seller Request to Reopen Offer. We may, but shall not be obligated to, provide you with the
opportunity to request through us that a Buyer reopen an Offer for the Domain Name. In the event
a Buyer does in fact reopen an Offer, such an Offer will be treated as an initial offer under the
terms of the COS, starting anew the COS process, and that offer and all subsequent counter-
offers, if any, shall be governed accordingly by the terms and conditions of the Agreement (which
includes but is not limited to this Schedule).
10. Terms Between Buyer and Seller. The following terms and conditions apply between the Buyer and
A. Buyer's Rights and Obligations to Seller. By making an Offer or counter-offer through the COS,
the Buyer offers to pay to the Seller (through Web.com) the Offer Price or Buyer Counter Price
conveyed by email or by telephone to the Seller by Web.com through the COS in exchange for
the Seller's agreement to transfer the Domain Name to the Buyer. The Buyer further agrees to
keep the Buyer's Offer and any Buyer counter-offer, if any, open and valid for a period of ten (10)
calendar days (fourteen (14) calendar days if you are using Certified Offer Service PLUS) from
the date of the offer or counter-offer, unless the offer or counter-offer is accepted or rejected
sooner (each an "Offer Acceptance Period"). If the Offer or Buyer counter-offer is accepted by the
Seller within the Offer Acceptance Period in the manner provided for through the COS, or if the
Seller makes a counter-offer which is accepted by the Buyer within the Counter-Offer Acceptance
Period (defined below) in the manner provided for through the COS, the Buyer agrees to pay the
Seller the Offer Price, Seller Counter Price, or Buyer Counter price, as applicable, by depositing
sufficient funds via credit card with Web.com or by making payment by wire transfer (for
transactions of $5,000 or more) to Web.com, to cover the offer price, Seller Counter Price, or
Buyer Counter price, as applicable, and any Transaction Fee owed by the Buyer to Web.com,
and to take all other steps described in the COS process and the agreement between Buyer and
Web.com to permit completion of the transaction. Buyer agrees that in addition to Seller's other
rights and remedies, Seller shall be permitted to seek a re-transfer of the Domain Name to Seller
if at any time during or after the transaction provided for through the COS, Buyer fails to deposit
sufficient funds or the Buyer's funds are determined to be insufficient to pay the payments for
which the Buyer is obligated under the terms of this Schedule, and Buyer hereby consents to any
such re-transfer.
B. Seller's Rights and Obligations to Buyer. By accepting an Offer or Buyer counter-offer within the
Offer Acceptance Period, or making a counter-offer through the COS that is accepted by the
Buyer during the Counter-Offer Acceptance Period (defined below), in either case in the manner
provided for through the COS, the Seller agrees to transfer the Domain Name to the Buyer (or the
Buyer's designee) in exchange for the Buyer's agreement to pay the Seller and fulfill the Buyer's
other obligations as set forth above. The Seller further agrees to keep the Seller's counter-offer, if
any, open and valid for a period of ten (10) days (fourteen (14) calendar days if you are using
Certified Offer Service PLUS) from the date of the counter-offer, unless the counter-offer is
accepted or rejected sooner (the "Counter-Offer Acceptance Period"). If the Seller accepts the
Buyer's Offer or counter-offer, or the Buyer accepts the Seller's counter-offer, Seller further
agrees to fulfill its obligations described in the COS process and the agreement between Seller
and Web.com to permit completion of the transaction, including agreeing to allow Web.com to
deduct the amount of the Seller's Transaction Fee from Buyer's payment. The Seller shall provide
the Buyer, upon request by the Buyer, with the information necessary for the Buyer to fulfill its
obligations, if any, related to tax filings and/or certifications in connection with the payment being
made to Seller hereunder.
C. Representations of the Parties to One Another. The Seller (or the person acting on behalf of the
Seller) represents and warrants to the Buyer, and the Buyer (or the person acting on behalf of the
Buyer) represents and warrants to the Seller, that he/she/it is authorized to agree to the terms set
forth in this Schedule and to do all things necessary to complete the transaction contemplated by
the COS, and that he/she/it will take all steps necessary to fulfill his/her/its obligations to the other
party and to Web.com.