Interested in conducting summer research? Look out for Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Programs! REU’s and many other summer research programs are opportunities for undergraduates to get paid
to work on a research project with a faculty mentor or graduate student during the summer. !
Students should visit the website of their program of interest to find specific information on eligibility,
application requirements, and deadlines.
Guide to UG Summer Research Programs
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: When do I apply?
A: Start looking at REU programs as early as the
summer before you plan to participate in one. However,
most applications are not available until late November
or early December. !
Q: How do I find REU’s and other programs?
A: Ask faculty for suggestions. Visit the UROC page for
recommendations. Do a search online for REU’s and
summer research programs related to your interests. !
Q: To how many sites should I apply?
A: Applications are free, but this doesn’t mean apply to
every possible program. Apply to the programs that
spark legitimate interest. If you have questions about
the program before applying, email the head of the
program and get your answers from the source. !
Q: What If I Don’t Get Into Any Programs?
A: Talk to faculty in your department and ask if they
have any summer projects in which you could get
involved. See our “Getting Started in Research”
information sheet. Otherwise, look at large research
institutions, find faculty leading projects you find
interesting, and send emails asking if they have
opportunities to work with them.
1. PERSONAL STATEMENT. This 500 -1000 word essay is
extremely important. Space is limited, so make every
word count and tailored to each program. Explain the
desire to spend the summer in the REU and why you are
an ideal candidate for this position.!
2. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION. Most sites require
two to three letters. Find people who know you well in an
academic setting and can speak about your research
potential and why you would be a good fit for the REU
program in question. Set a goal to provide letter-writers
at least a month in advance. The more time you give
letter writers, the better the recommendation.!
3. TRANSCRIPTS. Some sites require ocial transcripts,
while others will accept an unocial transcript. Request
ocial transcripts at least two weeks before your
application is due. Every REU will have specific
instructions on how they should be submitted.!
4. CV/ RESUME. Start with the Career Center to find
samples in your discipline. Get feedback on your CV/
Resume from faculty and friends.!
5. DEADLINE. Stay organized and aim to finish at least one
week early in case you need more time to obtain
transcripts or letters of recommendation.!
6. WAITING PERIOD. Most sites respond after about one
month, or around early March. Sites typically keep a
short waitlist of students. Contact the program to
express continued interest and fit for the program.
Tips for Submitting a Competitive REU Application
Read and follow the directions. Make sure to provide exactly what is requested. If you have questions about any part of the
application, contact the program director and ask for clarification. !
Demonstrate specific knowledge and interest in the program to which you are applying. Don’t use the same application
essay for every program. Tell the reader exactly why you are interested in that specific REU. Browse the program’s website,
and use this knowledge to highlight specific aspects of the program that are particularly appealing to you.!
Carefully proofread your application. An application with spelling or grammatical errors leaves a bad first impression. Read
your application carefully before you submit it, and ask someone else to give you some feedback as well.!
Choose good references. What your references write about you can make a big dierence in distinguishing your application
from others. Choose references who know you well and who will take the time to write a thorough and detailed letter of
recommendation. It’s okay to ask a reference, “Do you think that you will be able to write a strong and detailed letter for me?”
Also give your references a copy of your application essay and any other information that would help them write a strong letter.!
Be genuine. Don’t oversell yourself. Provide an honest account of your background and experiences.$
Apply to multiple programs. It’s important to remember that REUs are extremely competitive, and even the very best students
do not get accepted by every program to which they apply.
UC Merced UROC