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CCBM-CREST UG Fellowship Program
Application-AY 2022-23
Complete this form to apply for the 2022-23 CREST Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Application Deadline: September 23, 2022, 11:59 pm
It is recommended you have the following items prepared before you begin the
contact information for one faculty reference (no need to submit a reference letter with
this application)
unofficial transcripts
statement of Interest
Briefly describe your interest in research being done at the CCBM. Why are you interested in
this research? Are there particular faculty with whom you would like to work and
why? Summarize the reasons why you are applying to this fellowship, what you hope to gain by
participating, and how it fits into your future educational and career objectives. 300 words
View CCBM Faculty here:
This process should take 10-15 minutes if the items outlined in the table are prepared before
you begin the application.
Once you begin the application, you will have one week to complete it. Partial or
incomplete applications will be deleted one week after the start of the survey. You will be
required to start the application over If your incomplete application is deleted. Applicants
will use an "arrow" button to move to the next page and to submit to application after
attaching their documents (Resume, Transcript, Statement of Interest) file.
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UC Merced enrolled full-time undergraduate students with at least two semesters of college
experience (GPA 3.0 or above). Must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or permanent resident to
receive funding, per NSF guidelines.
Students from underrepresented groups, women, and students with disabilities are strongly
encouraged to apply.
Those who are selected are required not to engage in another research project for the duration
of the program. Previous participants must re-apply. Research experience is for the 2022-23
academic year, provided that the faculty advisor approves the renewal for Spring 2023.
Students who expect to graduate in December 2022 are eligible to apply.
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Application Form
1. First and Last Name
2. UC Merced Email
3. Phone Number
4. Address - street, city, state, zip code
5. Expected Graduation Date (example: May 2023)
6. UC Merced student ID
7. Do you receive financial aid?
o Yes
o No
8. 2022-23 CREST Scholars must be full-time undergraduate students with at least 2 semesters
of college experience. Do you fit into this category?
o Yes
o No
9. Level of College in Fall 2022
o Sophomore
o Junior
o Senior (expected graduation in May 2023)
o Senior (expected graduation in December 2022)
o Senior (taking 2023 summer classes)
10. Cumulative GPA
11. Current Major(s)
12. Current Minor(s)
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13. What are your plans after graduation?
o enter PhD or MS program
o industry job
o other
14. Please provide your personal background information below. (NSF categories):
15. Gender
o woman
o man
o not listed above __________________________________________________
o prefer not to answer
16. Race (Select all that apply)
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian __________________________________________________
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Hispanic or Latino
prefer not to answer
17. Ethnicity (Select one)
o Hispanic or Latino
o Not Hispanic or Latino
o prefer not to answer
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18. Disability Status - Select "yes" if any of the following apply: deaf or serious difficulty hearing,
blind or serious difficulty seeing even with glasses, serious difficulty walking or climbing, other
serious disability related to a physical, mental, or emotional condition.
o yes
o no
o do not wish to provide
19. Citizenship - Select one only. Per NSF Guidelines, funding is only available to U.S. citizens,
U.S. nationals or permanent residents.
o U.S. Citizen
o Permanent Resident
o U.S. National
o Other Non-U.S. Citizen
o not reported
o other __________________________________________________
20. Please rank the thrust/research focus (visit to select
trust) in order of interest. (for example: 1 is first choice, 2 is second choice, 3 is third choice)
______ Thrust 1: Biomolecular Machines (1)
______ Thrust 2: Macromolecular Machines & Hybrid Structures (2)
______ Thrust 3: Cellular and Multicellular Systems (3)
21. Name of preferred CCBM Faculty; Names of second and third faculty choices. Visit to select faculty.
22. Do you have any research experience outside of coursework/classroom research? If yes,
please explain.
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23. Faculty Reference Information
24. Please provide contact information (name, professional title, relationship, email and phone
number, if possible) for one faculty reference. This person may be contacted to speak on your
25. I understand that the $1,200/semester award will be initiated at the end of each semester
after I complete each semester's CREST Scholars Program requirements.
o Yes
o No
26. I understand that my status as a CREST Scholar for the 2023 spring semester will require
approval from my PI.
o Yes
o No
27. CREST Scholars are required to attend Saturday workshops during the academic year
beginning October 2022 and ending April 2023.
Will you be able to attend the Saturday workshops?
o Yes
o No
28. Will you apply to REU programs for summer 2023? (CREST Scholars that do not graduate
in May 2023 will have the opportunity to receive priority placement in partner summer REU
programs. All CREST Scholars are encouraged to take advantage of priority placement
opportunities and to apply to several REU summer programs.)
o Yes
o No
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29. Are you willing to accept a spot in a summer REU program if an offer is made to you?
(CREST Scholars must apply to summer REU programs of interest and must be willing to
accept offer if accepted into program, if not graduating in May 2023.)
o Yes
o No
30. Upload your documents as one combined PDF in order:
1. resume
2. statement of interest
3. unofficial transcripts
The file must be named in the following format: LASTNAME_Firstname_2022-
example: SMITH_Jane_2022-23_CREST_Fellows_Application_Materials