March 4, 2019
How to Fill a Petition Form for Requesting Course Unit Waivers
Dear EECS students,
If you are planning to submit a petition for waiving units (General Petition form
type "B. Waiver of Required
Course"), please take note of the following instructions:
1) There is a single submission deadline per semester for you to submit your petition to the SoE graduate staff.
The deadlines are:
Spring: until the Monday after the Spring Break week
Fall: until October 15 (or the following Monday if not a work day)
2) Only 1 petition per student will be processed. Submit a single petition for the total number of units
requested rather than multiple individual petitions. You will fill line B as follows:
Waive a total of [X] units ( leave course number empty) from PhD requirements based on [X] units (
leave course number empty) completed in a MS/MA/PhD program at complete name(s) here .
3) The courses you took don't need to exactly map to our courses but they should be graduate level courses
with grades equivalent to “B” or better on the US grading scale, and suitable for equivalence in the EECS
program. Attach complete course information:
- a list of the courses to be considered,
- syllabus of each course,
- confirmation that each course was a graduate level course,
- hours per week and for how many weeks each course met (for unit equivalence determination),
- unofficial transcript showing grades of each course.
4) After you receive the result of your petition, you may still submit a new petition on the following semester
in case of errors or if you need other courses to be considered. In case you submit a new petition you will need
to clearly explain why you are submitting a petition for a second time.
If the instructions above are not followed your petition may be returned without review. Urgent cases can be
reviewed out of cycle but only with justification and request from your faculty advisor.
This document was approved on March 4, 2019 by the EECS Executive Committee.
The General Petition form is available here: