Taking Summer Courses
The Basics for Engineering Students
Where can I take courses?
UC Merced
Community College
Another UC
Cal State
Private Institution
UC Merced
Check-out UC Merced’s Summer Session website! They have done a fantastic
job of providing you with application, courses, financial aid, and form
If after reviewing it, you still have questions, feel free to contact your advisor.
Enroll in a minimum of 6 units, for financial aid purposes.
You are enrolled in the class, so you can utilize it as a prereq for fall courses.
No proof of enrollment is needed.
Community College
To determine if credits from a California Community College are accepted at UC
Merced visit:
Make sure to select your catalog year! It will make an impact on what courses count
towards your degree.
Basic Information
1. Community College
2. Your catalog year
3. UC Merced
Three ways to look-up
1. By major
2. By department (use for
Writing too)
3. For basic GE information.
Check with your advisor
for specific information
UC Merced courses on this side
Community college courses on this side
CSE 020 @ UC Merced is equivalent to CPSC 6 or CPSC 14 @ Merced College
Community College Next Step
1. Is the course available at the Community College? Visit their summer
session website
2. Apply to the Community College for their summer program (Contact them
if you have questions).
Community College Next Step (pt 2)
Financial Aid ?
1. If you are looking into financial aid, first visit the community college
website and research your possible options.
2. Apply for financial aid (i.e.: you may need to edit your school list in your
current FAFSA or Dream Act so the community college can view you
financial aid application).
3. Check with the community college to see about documentation needed.
Another UC, CSU or 4 year institution
A bit more complicated, but stick with us!
Is the class an Engineering, SSHA or Natural Science course?
Make sure to request an Official transcript from UC Merced to send to the
other college for course placing.
Natural Science
Check-out the NS advising website! It’s interactive, so click on the buttons!
If after reading it, you still have questions, let your advisor know.
SSHA & Engineering Course(s)
Chat with your Advisor!!
Petition(s) maybe needed. To complete the online petition form, a course
syllabus for each course for which you are seeking approval will be required.
Another UC, CSU or 4 year institution
Next Steps
1. Is the course available at the institution? Visit their Summer Session website
2. Apply to the institution for their summer program (Contact them if you
have questions).
Another UC, CSU or 4 year institution
Financial Aid?
For UC’s: You will receive financial aid through UC Merced, so you will need
to fill out the UC Merced Summer Session Financial Aid application: Here.
For CSUs and other 4 year institutions, please contact them directly to
review your options.
Proof of Enrollment
(All colleges & universities)
If a class you are taking during the Summer is a prerequisite for Fall course
You will need to submit proof that you are enrolled in the summer class,
before your advisor may enter an override for your planned Fall class
For fall enrollment in April, pretend you are not taking any summer courses
You can send a screen shot of enrollment to your advisor!
Edward is taking Math 005 in the Spring. He plans to take the Math 021
equivalent course at a community college in summer. He will need to show his
advisor proof of enrollment in the Math 021 equivalent course before an
override can be entered for him to enroll in Math 022 at UCM in the Fall.
Edward will also need to submit official transcripts to UCM at the end of
summer school to show that he passed the class with a C- or better.
**Remember All courses must be taken for a letter grade**
Credit for Summer Courses
(All colleges & universities)
To Stay in Fall Courses:
In order to remain in your fall courses, you will need to send your advisor proof
that you passed the course. This can only be done by sending your advisor unofficial
transcripts (you may also send a screen shot).
To Get Credit for the Course:
In order to receive credit for courses taken outside of UCM, you must submit
official transcripts from the institution you
attended. Failure to submit transcripts prior to the beginning of the fall semester
could result in non-transfer of credit, and/or the inability to enroll in subsequent
course for the Fall.
Send official transcripts to:
UC Merced
Office of the Registrar
5200 North Lake Road
Merced, CA 95343
How does it count towards my GPA?
Courses taken at UC’s will be calculated into your GPA.
All other college/university courses:
1. You will earn course credit (credit for completing the course)
2. You will earn credit towards your overall units
3. It will not be calculated into your GPA.
No Pass/No Pass courses will be applicable towards your major.
Contact your Advisor
Feel free to contact your advisor if you need any additional help
and/ or information!