* Required for further contact
Visa Approval/Reference Number (if any):
1233 20
Street, NW, Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20036
Tel: (202) 861-0737 & (202) 861-2293
Fax: (202) 861-0917
01 Photo
(2 inches x 2 inches)
Glued photo here
01 additional photo
stapled to this form for a
loose -leaf visa request
1. Name (in block letters):
Family name First name Middle name
2. Date of birth:.................../............./….… …
Date / Month / Year
3. Male: Female
4. Place of birth:..............................................
5. Nationality at birth:......................................
Nationality at present:..................................
6. Passport number:........................................
Date of issue:................ ........... ........... .........
Date of expiry:........... ........... ........... ...........
7. Profession:......................................................
Place of employment:.....................................
.................................... ......................... ....
Telephone (Office):…....…....................... .....
8. Present mailing address: (P.O Box Not
Accepted for USPS express mail)
* Email :………………………….
* Telephone :.......................................
9. Purpose of visit to Vietnam:
10. Name, address of your contact (sponsor, host,
hotel…) in Vietnam (if any)
11. Proposed date of entry:
.......... …./…............/......... .....
Date / Month / Year
Proposed date of exit:
....… … /…………/……........
Date / Month / Year
I solemnly declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct.
Signature of Applicant ...............................................
Check list: Before submitting, make sure you have included:
Original Passport (for a visa sticker request); or Passport copy (front photo page, for a loose-leaf visa request)
Completed and signed Application with One Photo glued or stapled;
Visa Fee: Money Order (or Cashier’s Check); and
Prepaid USPS Express Mail or FedEx Slip, (if you want your visa be returned by mail).
* Required for further contact
o Applicant is responsible for checking accurate information on visa being issued by
the Embassy. In case of mistakes, please contact the Embassy immediately for
correction. Otherwise, applicant is fully responsible for the mistakes.
o In case of emergency, please call: (202)- 716 - 8666 or (202) - 739 - 1666